The story of height development of Japanese people

For 40 years, the Japanese Government raised the average height of the people to 10cm, reaching 172cm for men and 157cm for women.

For Japanese people, height does not only serve to look good, but it represents both the spirit and face of the nation. The word 'dwarf Japan', used in the 50s of the last century, now almost disappears when the Government invests and is determined to raise the average height of people to 10cm in 40 years, reaching 172cm for men. and 157cm with women, only inferior to the 5cm world average height. So, what is the secret to increasing the height of Japanese people?

First , they consider human factor as the center, promoting education. The government has propagated and made people realize that height is not only a personal issue, but a matter of self-respect of the whole nation.

Picture 1 of The story of height development of Japanese people

Second , apply the diet of the medicine. The plan for a "milk of a nation" has added to the diet of Japanese youth. Japan 's efforts are best expressed after the end of World War II. Although the economy is exhausted, the policy of improving stature for future generations is constantly being implemented.

Third , the Japanese government has encouraged intellectuals to have more children , so that good genes can be handed down to the next generation.

In Japan, the sports movement and school sports clubs are strong, young people get enough exercise. Japanese youth also like to play sports and tall, 1.7m or more, 1.8m is not too rare. In terms of nutrition, in addition to milk, mothers are also encouraged to increase calcium supplementation to ensure adequate calcium supply for their skeletal development as well as preventing calcium deficiency for mothers. The use of this calcium supplement for children continues to last from birth until the height is no longer developing, under the supervision of the doctor. This knowledge of nutrition is widely available. Almost every mother knows or is consulted by a doctor.

Picture 2 of The story of height development of Japanese people

It is still not clear whether the Japanese government uses policies other than nutrition and sports, but it is a fact that the average height of Japanese people has increased significantly, outperforming Vietnam (with difference of 8.3cm for men and 4.0cm for women. Currently, Vietnam also has a lot of calcium supplements such as Calcium Corbiere, Canxim Bie, Calci-B and physical training courses to increase children's height.