The substance helps drink alcohol without getting drunk

A chemical found in traditional herbal remedies in Asia can make mice almost immune to the effects of alcohol. Scientists hope that this substance has the same effect on humans.

Mice that used this drug could consume a large amount of alcoholic drinks without being unconscious, there were very few signs of being drunk and especially not becoming alcoholics even after weekly drinking. Continue, researchers at the University of California said on the Daily Mail.

According to scientists, this substance is extracted from the fruit of the tree only known as marigold or millet often appears in a traditional Asian medicine, used for the first time to treat the expression when drunk like nausea or thirst, dry neck in 659.

Picture 1 of The substance helps drink alcohol without getting drunk
DHM makes the mice drink alcohol without being drunk nor addicted.

Scientists conducted the study by examining the herbal compound in the fruit of a plant that is thought to have this anti-drunk effect. They tested one component mouse in it, called DHM.

It was given to mice to drink an amount of beer equivalent to 15 to 20 bottles of beer within 2 hours. Most of them are unconscious. However, when the DHM is injected, the mice can better control their drinking. They take longer to drink and seem awake for about 15 minutes.

The rats woke up after having "drunken drinking" seem to be very alert. And it is very important for medical professors that this substance seems to make mice stop craving for beer. Dr. Jing Liang, who led the research, said in the study published in the journal Neuroscience 'When you drink alcohol with DHM, you will never be addicted'.

Experts say this drug works by inhibiting the receptor in the brain. Other promising anti-drunk drugs also cause similar inhibition but cause seizures.

They are currently investigating whether this DHM is effective in humans.