Things to know to avoid prolonged intoxication

Headache, bowel and dry mouth after waking up are many people experience after a night of partying. That's because alcohol in alcohol - which has diuretic properties - makes you dehydrated leading to the above symptoms, besides distraction and irritability. Not only unpleasant, long drunk or tired after hangover (hangover) also has the potential of an accident.

A recent study by the University of West England shows that these drivers have a lot of errors when driving, even if their alcohol has dissolved.

Eating mashed potatoes before drinking is a way to get less drunk and avoid unpleasant symptoms the next morning.

Many people often complain about the causes of prolonged intoxication and how to prevent it. To clarify these hypotheses, the British Daily Mail has introduced the opinions of experts, promising to help many people during holidays and New Year.

1. Some people are immune to prolonged intoxication?

"The truth is, some people are less likely to get tired after being drunk," said Dr. Sarah Jarvis, a medical adviser at Drinkaware, an organization that helps raise awareness about alcohol. The reason is that some people have less headaches when dehydrated, others are less sensitive to the effects of acetaldehyde, toxic substances produced when alcohol is metabolized in the liver.

"But that does not mean that they are immune to the long-term effects of alcohol," Dr Jarvis warned, adding that high endurance may be a sign of body damage by alcohol. "The more your body processes alcohol, the more likely it will be to withstand your temporary effects. But long-term damage to your body depends on the amount of alcohol you have consumed before."

2. Older people adapt to fatigue after getting better

In a study of 50,000 people, Danish scientists found that older people had less severe symptoms of fatigue after a night of drunkenness. Specifically, 21% of women aged 18-29 were vomiting compared to only 3% of women aged 60 and older, while 62% of young men were exhausted compared to 14% of those over 60 years old. The reason is that young people are more likely to "drink enthusiastically" than older people or older people can tolerate better short-term effects of alcohol. Another explanation is that older people have a better way to prevent drunkenness after many experiences.

Picture 1 of Things to know to avoid prolonged intoxication

3. Women suffer better than men?

If you think you are a healthy woman and can take down a guy at a table, you should check it out - Dr. Jarvis recommends. According to her, even if a woman can be equal to a man, her body still has more fat and less water than the other person. Because alcoholic drinks are only soluble in water, the blood alcohol content of women is also higher than in men. That's why women often suffer more severe drunken consequences than men. A study by the University of Missouri-Columbia (USA) on 1,200 students once pointed out that women are not only dull but also dull longer than men, even though the amount of alcohol they consume is equal.

4. Carbonated alcohol is more harmful than non-carbonated alcohol

The simple reason is that carbon dioxide bubbles in carbonated alcohol speed up the speed of alcohol in the intestine, making you fast drunk. This also happens in case you mix carbonated drinks with alcohol or beer. Although it doesn't affect your tiredness much after being drunk, faster slimming can reduce your judgment and make you drink more.

5. The darker the alcohol, the more dangerous it is

Experts say prolonged intoxication is mainly caused by dehydration as well as the effects of impurities and preservatives present in drinks. Dr Emma Derbyshire, a nutritionist at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), said that some wines contain chemicals called congener (produced during fermentation) that create the color and flavor of alcohol. "The darker the alcohol, the higher the congener content and they are thought to contribute to headaches and other drunken symptoms," so according to her, red wine or hard alcohol may make your head hurt more when using gin, distilled from fermented cereals (corn, barley, oats .)

6. Do not mix drinks

According to Dr Jarvis, mixing drinks together makes you more tired, because drinking more types at the same time means your body absorbs more impurities and congener. However, drinking just one kind of drink doesn't mean you won't get upset the next morning. It depends on your intake and the amount of impurities in the drink.

7. Beer is safer than alcohol

We have heard that drinking beer before drinking is less annoying than drinking alcohol before drinking beer. Although there is no evidence to support this hypothesis, according to Dr. Derbyshire, there is a possibility that beer contains more water than alcohol so it helps you lose less water, less headaches and dry mouth."But instead of drinking beer first, you should drink water before drinking , " she advised.

8. Intimate before entering the party

Remember not to be hungry when drinking alcohol, because food helps slow the rate of alcohol infiltration into the body. You can eat mashed potatoes or eat two tablespoons of butter before drinking. According to Dr. Nick Read, a gastroenterologist in the UK, if you use a little fat before drinking, it will help you digest a slowed alcoholic drink, which means you'll be drunk and long. less tired after drunkenness. In some countries, people also drink olive oil before drinking alcohol.

9. Drink a glass of milk before going to bed

Experts agree that drinking plenty of water before going to bed will help reduce the impact of dehydration which makes you tired when you wake up. But the migraine expert, Andy Dowson, recommends drinking milk before going to bed, because it helps to fight off many drunken symptoms. "Prolonged drunkenness is caused by hypoglycemia and dehydration, both are migraine triggers. Drinking milk before going to bed will help you replenish water and restore blood sugar. Milk is also An anti-diuretic, which helps you to have less nocturnal night, sleep well and wake up more alert, "analyst Andy said.