The system helps to learn to fly an airplane in 30 minutes

Transport technology company Skyryse has introduced a flight training system for everyone in just 30 minutes.

Picture 1 of The system helps to learn to fly an airplane in 30 minutes
This system can control the aircraft with a touch tablet or joystick.

Called FlightOS , this is an automation system designed for non-commercial aircraft such as fire fighters and military aircraft. Skyryse employees are gathered from technology or transport firms such as Tesla, Uber, Boeing, Ford and JetBlue. According to Business Insider , this technology allows the driver to control the aircraft with a touch tablet or joystick.

FlightOS also integrates Flight Stack , the "automation" technology that makes handling easy and intuitive. It also monitors the flight path and movement of the aircraft to ensure safety. If an incident occurs, the system will set itself according to the situation (motor failure, sudden drop in altitude or emergency landing).

Picture 2 of The system helps to learn to fly an airplane in 30 minutes
This system is designed for non-commercial aircraft.

Skyryse claims FlightOS can train a pilot in just 30 minutes. Automation helps pilots only focus on important tasks, and control will be done by computers.

Skyryse expects the system to address the current problems of aviation, such as lack of pilots, handling in bad weather and pilot training costs. In emergency conditions, evacuation or firefighting can also occur faster because everything is operated by a computer.

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