The temperature at Fukushima No.1 reactor increased

According to a reporter in Tokyo, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said that the temperature at the bottom of the pressure chamber of reactor No. 2 at Fukushima nuclear power plant No. 1 has increased from 50 degrees C to about 70 degrees C February 6.

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Picture 1 of The temperature at Fukushima No.1 reactor increased
Overview of nuclear reactor No. 2 of Daiichi Fukushima 1. Nuclear power plant (Photo taken by NHK television)

According to TEPCO, one of the three pressure chamber thermometers showed that the temperature remained at 70 degrees Celsius on February 6 despite TEPCO increasing the amount of cooling water pumped into the reactor.

Two other thermometers showed a stability of about 40 degrees C. TEPCO said they increased the amount of water mixed with boric acid pumped into the furnace to curb the nuclear fission reaction.

Last month, TEPCO changed the pipes and the amount of coolant pumped into the No. 2 reactor.

TEPCO said that it is possible that the amount of water and flow of water pumped into the changed kiln has reduced cooling efficiency, but believes that the entire reactor is still cool and the current situation does not change them. The idea is that the reactor has reached the level of 'cool down'.