The type of fish sounds like a baby's cry

A Western three-spotted demon-faced fish is the first species discovered to sound like a baby's cry.

A Western three-spotted demon-faced fish is the first species discovered to sound like a baby's cry.

Picture 1 of The type of fish sounds like a baby's cry
This demon-faced fish sounds like a baby crying. (Source : Newscientist ).

With a wide and flat oil, big eyes, this elusive fish looks like a rock. But when under pressure, they are as limp as if there is no spine.

This is not the only fish that can emit noise. Herring emits a high-pitched sound to find each other in the dark, while the clown fish jaws into each other, creating a clattering sound to warn when someone trespasses.

But the sounds emanating from demon-faced fish are very different, since this is the only species known for its ability to emit a non-stop sound. The straight sounds of some other fish species have sinusoidal waveforms. The sound is not intertwined, creating a more complex signal. Children, some mammals and birds use sounds that are not straight when calling or calling. In the animal world, those sounds are an emergency signal.

Devil face fish use many strange sounds to appeal to their partners or threaten their enemies.

When scientist Aaron Rice at Cornell University in New York (USA) recorded the cries of captive demon-faced fish, he discovered short but complex sounds. He did not know what he was hearing and thought that the distorted sound could be caused by the recording device. But after being analyzed, these sounds are determined to be non-linear.

The basic element that makes up the 'very much' of demon face fish is an unusual bubble. This gas-filled part keeps the animal floating on the water, but a nearby muscle can produce sound. In addition, this muscle is also split, half by an independent nerve that controls and the other half is controlled by the muscles, so they emit independent sounds.

Sound is not straight is advantage in some cases. The penguins and wild dogs use the sound of a song to identify the herd. For fish, unreliable cries can make it easier for animals to attract their partners, or threaten enemies more effectively.

Update 17 December 2018



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