The warming earth will wake up the volcano

When the volcano erupts, the impact on the climate is huge, one of the risks is that the amount of sulfur dioxide gas sprayed on the stratosphere increases. It reflects the sun's rays, causing the Earth to cool for a few years. But another phenomenon may occur: The warming of the climate after a cold period can also trigger volcanic eruptions.

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Recently a group of geologists collected samples of oceanic mud along the perimeter of the Pacific Volcanic Belt, where volcanic ash is deposited. Those layers of sediment accumulate in their thickness products of 91 volcanic eruptions that took place over millions of years.

Picture 1 of The warming earth will wake up the volcano
Global warming will stimulate active volcanoes. (Illustration)

Removing each layer separately, geologists can know the time of each volcanic eruption while analyzing the distribution of ash layers, they discovered the rule: there is once a mountain every 41,000 years. Big fire eruption.

This is consistent with the previous conclusions of ancient climatologists (paleoclimatolog): every 41,000 years the Earth has a rotation of its rotation. That's the reason for the changing seasons and fluctuations in temperature. At high latitudes the amount of ice accumulated in the winter in the summer has not yet melted and led to an ice age.

But how does the ice age affect volcanic activity? The answer is quite simple.

At this stage, the water on the planet transferred some of its mass from the ocean to the continents, creating a very thick ice cover on the ground, especially at the poles. When the temperature rises, the amount of ice coming from the continent is transferred to the ocean.

That movement causes a change in the pressure exerted on the molten magma layers below the ground. In places where pressure on magma decreases rapidly, they will find them but where there are tectonic geology to spray up, turn into volcanic activity.

So the consequences of global warming also cause worse dangers than people often imagine, including the danger of volcanic eruptions in many parts of the world.