The woman suffers with a fishy smell like fish despite bathing hundreds of times a day

Because of the fishy smell, Kelly Fidoe White is often avoided by others.

Besides the glittery face or attractive physique, the scent is also an important factor that makes us impress the opposite person. However, due to the strange syndrome, Kelly Fidoe White's body always smells fishy like fish makes friends and colleagues no one dares to approach.

Picture 1 of The woman suffers with a fishy smell like fish despite bathing hundreds of times a day
The strange syndrome made Kelly's life extremely miserable.

Because of this unpleasant smell, Ms. Kelly often had to bathe 4 times a day. Most of the income of a 36-year-old woman goes into buying body deodorant rollers. Unfortunately, they all had to give up their passionate scent.

Possessing a strange odor means being shunned by colleagues. Even poor women have to switch to night shift to limit contact with many people. Not only colleagues, but most people feel uncomfortable when meeting Ms Kelly, especially X-ray employees.

Picture 2 of The woman suffers with a fishy smell like fish despite bathing hundreds of times a day
Wherever she went, Kelly's body always smelled like a fish.

According to the experts' diagnosis, the woman had a fish odor syndrome , also known as Trimethylaminuria (TMAU). In the world, only about 300 to 600 new people suffer. Since it is a rare disease, it has not been found out which method to treat the root. In other words, people who unfortunately suffer from this syndrome can only accept "living with floods".

Although criticized by others, fortunately, Ms. Kelly was loved and supported enthusiastically by her husband. They still live happily together after 16 years of marriage.

Picture 3 of The woman suffers with a fishy smell like fish despite bathing hundreds of times a day
Every day, she has to bathe 4 times and always costs money to buy deodorant roller but still does not lose.

Picture 4 of The woman suffers with a fishy smell like fish despite bathing hundreds of times a day
However, Ms. Kelly is still loved by her husband.

Fish odor syndrome is a rare genetic syndrome. The main cause is metabolic disorder Trimethylamine . Accordingly, nutrients from fishy smells accumulate in the body, especially the liver, before they are excreted through sweat, urine or breathing.

To limit the development of the disease, patients need to pay attention to eating. So far, people have not found a way to treat the disease rooted in this disease.