The world's first bisexual luminescent sea slug

An underwater camera company in Australia discovered two-headed sea slugs with two genitals off the island of Borneo, Malaysia.

Discover the first bisexual sea slug in Malaysia

In addition to the two heads, the sea slug possesses both male and female genitalia. This is a normal feature, because all nudibranchs are bisexual animals . It has a body length of 25 cm, but the maximum size of this species can reach 120 cm.

Picture 1 of The world's first bisexual luminescent sea slug
The two heads of slugs can be the result of a birth defect.(Photo: Caters News.)

Nudibranchs are nembrotha kubaryana , also known as multicolored slugs . Neon green and orange yellow on the body of the sea slug to warn the enemy that it has poison.

Sea slugs have the ability to separate chemical compounds from seawater and store them. When meeting enemies, they spray poison in the form of mucus to defend themselves.

Clay Bryce, a marine biologist at Perth's Western Australia Museum, said two-headed sea slugs are rare because they always die very early."But it seems to be an adult or at least about to mature, so in this case maybe the two heads are better than the first one, " Mirror said on Aug. 15.

According to Bryce, the possession of two heads may be a congenital defect caused by genetic mutations or pollution in the environment.