The world's largest ancient book

Made in the early 13th century in Podlazice monastery (Czech Republic), the Codex Gigas - also known as the Devil's Bible - is comparable to the medieval world wonders. It is currently holding the title of 'Greatest Handwriting Project'.

The giant book created by whom, how and for what purpose - questions so far are still mysterious. However, according to legend, the Devil's Devil was the work of a monk Podlazice, violating the monastery's prohibition and being sentenced to life imprisonment between four stone walls.

In exchange for freedom, the monk promised only one night to write the greatest work in the world. That night, when he knew he could not fulfill his promise, he asked the devil to help him. Prayers are fulfilled. The demon who bought the spirit of the monk was later described in the Sutta of penance.

Picture 1 of The world's largest ancient book
The Devil's Devil is 91 cm tall, 52 cm wide and weighs 57 kg. (Photo: Radio Praha).

'The book includes the New Testament, the Old Testament, the biography of the dead in Podlazice monastery, the list of Podlazice member monasteries, a manuscript of natural history, the oldest chronicle. about Latin Czech Republic . - 11 total items in total '.

It is estimated to skin 160 new donkeys that are enough to make this book. Written in Latin, the Devil's Devil also carries countless mystical ' miraculous ' recipes that cure all kinds of illnesses, not to mention hundreds of tricks to deal with unusual situations (eg, 'catch thieves' ).

One of the most valuable contents of the book is the chapter entitled Chronica Bohemorum - the most complete and ancient record of Bohemia Chronicle.

In addition to the final pages of the book, people also find out which date the Easter calendar will fall exactly in the coming years.

Picture 2 of The world's largest ancient book

Hai Minh