The world's oldest Christian letter is found

This is considered to be the oldest Christian letter in the world from the year 230 AD written on an ancient Egyptian papyrus, to help better understand the first Christians in the Roman Empire. .

Researchers have discovered this letter older than all other evidence of Christian literature on Rome. The letter is now part of the University of Basel papyrus collection. According to Curiosmos, the early Christians in the Roman Empire were described as eccentric people withdrawing from the world.

This is also included in the P.Bas papyrus letter of Basel. 2.43. It reveals that Christians at the beginning of the third century lived outside cities in the Egyptian hinterland. Phys Org said Christians hold political leadership positions and blend in with the pagan environment in their daily lives. It said that the letter was from a man, Arrianus sent to his brother Paulus.

Picture 1 of The world's oldest Christian letter is found

The world's oldest Christian letter - (Photo: City Museum of Art).

The document stands out from the series of preserved letters of the Greco-Roman Egyptian, with the content of the letter " after reporting on everyday family issues and asking the best fish sauce as a souvenir, writer The letter uses the last line to express the desire that his brother will prosper in God ", he said Phys Org. It explains that the author has used the abbreviated form of the Christian phrase " I pray that you will get the good Lord" ".

Sabine Huebner, professor of ancient history at the University of Basel points out that the use of this acronym is without doubt the letter of Christian faith of the letter writer. Huebner said this is an exclusive Christian formula that Christians today are familiar with the New Testament manuscripts. Professor explained that his brother's name, Paulus was an extremely rare name at that time. We can deduce that the parents mentioned in the letter are Christians and have named their sons according to apostles in early 200 AD

Huebner used extensive scientific research to track papyrus in 230 AD, according to Phys Org, the letter from Theadel village built in central Egypt, larger than all Christian documents. another religion in the world is about 40 to 50 years. It provides an insight into the social background of the first Christan family - Arrianus and Paulus when young and educated from an elite, landlords or public family.

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Update 17 July 2019



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