These hidden caves contain ancient traces in the world

The most mysterious caves in the world carry a thousand-year-old remains of mummies, quickly attracting the attention of scientists and environmental research groups.

The most mysterious caves in the world carry a thousand-year-old remains of mummies, quickly attracting the attention of scientists and environmental research groups.

The most mysterious caves in the world

1. Cave of mummies smoked thousands of years ago

Few people know that in the dark caves of remote areas of the Philippines there are still tombs containing mummies smoked thousands of years ago . According to the Daily Mail on January 21, the Ibaloi, an ancient ethnic group living in the Philippines from 1,000 years ago, has been smelling mummifiedly when dead people die. These mummies are also called "fire mummies".

Picture 1 of These hidden caves contain ancient traces in the world

Cave mysterious mummies smoked thousands of years ago

The embalmed smoky tradition no longer exists in this country 400 years ago. However, there are still many graves still with intact "fire mummies" , even tattoos on mummy hands and feet. It is believed that in the Philippines there are up to 80 sacred caves that are the resting place of "fire mummies" . Only the elderly of the Ibaloi people know exactly the location of the caves as well as this strange mummification technique.

2. The mysterious cave kingdom in the Himalayas

Hidden inside Nepal's Himalaya mountains, thousands of artificial caves, located 47 meters from the ground of the ancient Mustang kingdom , form one of the world's largest archaeological mysteries. It is estimated that 10,000 special caves are found in central and northern Nepal. Surprisingly, some of the caves dug deep into the cliffs in the canyon, while others were dug into the tunnel from above.

Picture 2 of These hidden caves contain ancient traces in the world

Explore the mysterious cave kingdom in the Himalayas

Thousands of holes formed on the cliffs and fragile cliffs, located nearly 50 meters from the valley floor, give viewers the impression of a giant sand castle. So far, the scientific world is not clear who is the author of these thousands of year-old caves or what they built them.

Currently, most caves in this place are empty. However, archaeologists have discovered evidence such as stoves, seed containers, sleeping chambers, etc. referring to where people once lived . In 2010, some experts also found skulls, teeth, and limbs of people as well as some funeral items such as coffins here.

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The cave used to be the ancient Mustang kingdom

Until about 1,000 years ago, they became the habitat of Mustang families , because the winter here was very warm. Only in the 13th century did people begin to migrate to traditional villages in the valley.

Due to its relatively dangerous geographical location, the 'heavenly caves ' and the Mustang kingdom were truly forgotten until they were rediscovered by adventurers in 1981. The Kingdom of Mustang currently thought to be the best conservation example of traditional Tibetan life in the world.

3. Mysterious handprints in ancient cave

Art paintings in the cave in ancient times with the image of the hand which was supposed to be the product of male hunters. But, a new study shows that it is the hand of women at the time.

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Mysterious handprints in ancient cave

These findings alter the archaeological theory that ancient artists were men, who recorded the exploits and figures of animals such as bison, reindeer, horse and mammoth . House Dean Snow, an archaeologist at Pennsylvania State University, conducted his research a decade ago, following John Manning's work, a British biologist who thinks the fingers of men and women are of length. relatively different.

Colorful hand pictures are found in the famous Pech Merle cave in southern France. Snow told National Geographic magazine that at first glance he thought it was a man's hand, but through Manning's research it was definitely a female handprint.

4. Mysterious cave with vestiges of Mayan people

Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula is littered with thousands of mysterious caves that once served as a haven for prehistoric people and later became a sacred Mayan sacrifice.

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The mysterious cave carries traces of ancient Mayans

The remains of more than 125 people lie in the Las Calaveras natural deep well that no one knows why and how they lie there. Natural deep wells on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula are considered beautiful underworlds and contain many mysteries. They appear when the underground limestone cave ceiling collapses. Some holes are flooded with rainwater, while others lead to underground waterways and connect with giant cave mazes.

In the Stone Age, many underground caves (at that time dry) were used as a residence for people and buried dead people . Later, the Mayans did not dare to go to the wells because they saw them as gateways or gates leading down to the Xibalba underground world (meaning "The place of fear "). For the first time these underground caves were filmed with 3D cameras and the documentary " The Cave of the Dead " was released in the spring of 2013.

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Mysterious cave contains some deep wells with a beautiful landscape

Finding the labyrinth mazes in the middle of the jungle is extremely difficult, and exploration is an extremely dangerous challenge. Only the lights keep the scientists from getting lost in the thick darkness and avoiding being caught between narrow openings.Some wells are more than 100m deep and compressed air is not enough at this depth .

Update 18 December 2018



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