Tips for preserving silk rolls properly

Silk rolls are the chosen delicacy of many busy sisters, there is not much time for cooking. Preserving silk rolls properly, not all sisters know. Please join us to consult how to preserve the way of preserving silk rolls properly and simply.

Use and preservation of silk rolls


Silk rolls are classified as cold meats so they can be used for quite a long time. Usually, the silk rolls are best when eaten within 5 hours of cooking. When properly stored, silk rolls can be kept for 2 days or 10 days in freezing conditions.

Picture 1 of Tips for preserving silk rolls properly
Properly stored, silk rolls can be kept for 2 days or 10 days in freezing conditions.

Silk rolls preservation

  1. Silk rolls are made from lean meat, fat, fish sauce and spices so it is difficult to leave for too long.If you eat leftover, you should put silk rolls in storage in the refrigerator in the cool compartment.Before putting in the cool compartment, you should wrap the banana in the outside so that it is covered with a piece of silk, then wrap it again with plastic bags.Doing so can hold up to 2-3 days, but when it comes to eating, it will not affect your health.(Of course, the silk rolls you buy must be clean, safe and contain no substance or additives of unknown origin).
  2. If you want to preserve it for a long time, put silk rolls in the freezer compartment for storage.Before putting it in the freezer, you should wrap it in front of banana leaves 2-3 layers, then wrap it in plastic again.Make sure the rolls are sealed in the shells.
  3. The ice drawer can hold silk rolls for about 10-20 days.Silk rolls preserved in ice compartments must be defrosted before eating.Remove ice cubes with ice cubes at room temperature for 4 hours or put them in the fridge for about 8 hours before eating.If you want to thaw faster, you can let the silk rolls soak in the water for about 1 hour, note that the silk rolls must be wrapped carefully so that the water does not soak into the rolls.

These are some of the simplest ways to preserve silk rolls.However, when buying or making silk rolls, consider carefully the quantity so as not to have too much excess.After being preserved, quality silk rolls will no longer be as delicious as when they were cooked.Enjoy the silk rolls when you're done cooking to feel the delicious taste of the silk rolls.