Tokyo will suffer an additional big earthquake

According to TNHK Radio Station, Japanese scientists predict that the 2011 earthquake in northeastern Tokyo increases the likelihood that the city will experience another severe earthquake sooner than the government forecast.

Tokyo University's Earthquake Research Institute on January 23 said that up to 98% of Tokyo's ability will suffer a 7-magnitude earthquake in the next 30 years, of which up to 70% will happen strong earthquake before 2016.

Picture 1 of Tokyo will suffer an additional big earthquake

The Japanese government's official forecast says there is a 70% chance that such an earthquake will happen within the next three decades.

The institute released the new figures on January 23 when Fukushima Prefecture suffered a devastating earthquake and tsunami and was struck by another earthquake even though geologists said the earthquake was 5.1 magnitude. Richter in this Fukushima Sea does not cause tsunamis.

Tokyo Electric Power Company said the earthquake did not cause any new damage to Fukushima nuclear power plant No. 1, where the three reactors were melted after the earthquake disaster - tsunami on 11/11 3 years ago.