Too happy can also take life

A newly published study suggests that people with too much joy may die earlier than those who live sadly.

Picture 1 of Too happy can also take life
Those who live too happily may die earlier than those who live sadly. Photo:

The research team from many US universities found that children with happy spirits at school often tend to die earlier than their peers.

Telegraph said the cause of this is because the happy people have less psychological fear and be alert to the dangers.

In addition, people who try too hard to achieve a sense of happiness often get disastrous consequences: they feel more bored than before."When you do something in the hope that they will bring you happiness, the results will often disappoint you, " said Professor June Gruber, of Yale University research group.

The American Journal of Psychological Science revealed that, in fact the key to getting happiness is simple. These are good relationships with family and friends. This means the best way to be happy is to stop worrying and try to nurture social relationships. Let emotions happen naturally and don't force yourself to be happy.