Too little folate can lead to colon cancer.

MONTREAL - Canadian scientists say a study in mice showed that too little folate or folic acid in the diet could increase the risk of colon cancer.

Picture 1 of Too little folate can lead to colon cancer. (Photo:

Canada's CBC said that scientists at Mcgill University also found that a diet low in folic acid increased the risk of colon cancer in animals. Thus, scientists concede that the same folic acid deficiency can also cause adverse effects on humans.

'We found tumors in rats fed low-folate diets but found no tumors on mice with normal diets,' said Rima Rozen, a geneticist. director of Children's Hospital Montreal, who led the study, said.

Rima Rozen said that some human studies have also shown that there is less intake of folic acid, a B-type vitamin found in citrus fruits and vegetables, which may be related to housework. Increased risk of colon cancer.

Scientists say they use mice for research to carefully control possible contributing factors, including environmental factors and diets.

During a conversation with CBC, Ms. Rozen advised everyone to have a diet of 400 micrograms of folic acid daily by using items such as broccoli and orange juice or taking multivitamins.

This study was published in Cancer Research magazine.
