Vitamin D helps prevent colon cancer

The British Medical Journal, published on January 22, published a large study entitled "European Cancer Risk Research Project" (EPIC), which showed that blood levels of vitamin D are directly related to risk. colon cancer.

Picture 1 of Vitamin D helps prevent colon cancer To draw this conclusion, the researchers compared blood samples of more than 500,000 people in more than 10 Western European countries.

The results showed that those with the highest blood levels of vitamin D had a 40% lower risk of colon cancer than those with the lowest blood levels of vitamin D.

However, researchers have not been able to confirm whether vitamin D supplementation is more effective than a balanced and regular sun exposure menu.

Vitamin D, absorbed from the sun, but also in some foods, plays a key role in the development of the skeletal system by increasing the amount of calcium in the blood.

Before the EPIC project was announced, scientists still fiercely argued about the impact of vitamin D on cancer, but did not give a clear answer.

Factors that have previously been attributed to colon and rectal cancer include smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, alcoholic beverages, eating red meat or canned meat.