Translated dolphin language

For years, experts have known that dolphins have complex social life and can express their emotions through sound and body movement, but since the 1960s, scientists have attempt to prove the hypothesis that they have language.

>>>Dolphins can call each other's names

Picture 1 of Translated dolphin language

Recently, Dr. Denise Herzing, founder of the Wild Dolphin project in Florida (USA), said he finally understood a part of the language of this creature. She used a translation device specially designed to operate underwater, and from the first word translated dolphin whistling is 'sargassum' , a type of seaweed.

According to New Scientist, Chat is a research project by expert Thad Starner of Georgia Institute of Technology, who contributes to the design of Google Glass. The expert team hopes this system will continue to discover new words in the dolphin's mysterious language repository.

They are now able to show eight different characteristics in the 73 calls of intelligent marine life, and the next step is to confirm the two-way communication between dolphins and the fish, expected this summer.