Unexpected benefits from your applause

Clapping has many health benefits that few people know, because some of the pressure points in our bodies are directly connected to different agencies.

There are twenty eight pressure points on the inside of the hand . So when clapping, you stimulate these pressure points and in turn affect the agencies that connect with them.

Therefore, clapping is a kind of therapy that helps to heal the body. Here are some surprising benefits from clapping, according to boldsky.

Increase blood circulation

Clapping your hands for at least 20-30 minutes will help boost blood circulation in the body and help blood flow to the arteries and veins. This helps energize the body and also helps stabilize blood flow to supply oxygen to body parts.

Picture 1 of Unexpected benefits from your applause
Clapping is also good for people with low blood pressure.(Photo: Shutterstock).

Relieve arthritis pain

Clapping is great for people with arthritis. It helps eliminate joint pain, back pain and neck pain. People with gout have benefited from clapping by reducing pain.

Good for people with lung disease

Clapping helps better oxygen and blood flow to the lungs, thereby helping to get rid of problems like asthma and lung disease.

Lower blood pressure

Clapping is also good for people with low blood pressure. Because it increases blood flow to different parts of the body, it helps maintain normal blood pressure.

Good for digestion

Clapping is also found to help treat digestive digestive problems also associated with some pressure points at hand.

Enhance immunity

Clapping also increases immunity and helps prevent infection.