Unusual marine creatures in the groove of New Hebrides

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) have found unusual marine creatures while exploring New Hebrides in the South Pacific in 2013.

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) have found unusual marine creatures while exploring New Hebrides in the South Pacific in 2013.

Eel-shaped fish and bright red shrimps make up the majority of the animal population here, although they rarely appear in other grooves in the sea.

Picture 1 of Unusual marine creatures in the groove of New Hebrides

First look in dark water

Picture 2 of Unusual marine creatures in the groove of New Hebrides

Big eel fish are catching the bait.The photo was taken at a depth of 6,000m above the sea

Picture 3 of Unusual marine creatures in the groove of New Hebrides

An eel toothed arrow caught under the groove

Picture 4 of Unusual marine creatures in the groove of New Hebrides

Large eel fish and shrimp prey.Eel fish is an undersea fish that can be up to 1m long

Picture 5 of Unusual marine creatures in the groove of New Hebrides

Life at the bottom of the sea

Picture 6 of Unusual marine creatures in the groove of New Hebrides

The expedition team next to a seabed probe

Update 17 December 2018



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