Use harmless bacteria to treat harmful bacteria

Studies at the University of Minnesota have discovered a natural preservative produced by a harmless bacterium, when added to foods that can kill harmful bacteria such as salmonella, E.coli and listeria.

A harmless bacterium, when added to food, can kill harmful bacteria such as salmonella, E.coli and listeria.

Studies at the University of Minnesota have discovered a natural preservative produced by a harmless bacterium, when added to foods that can kill harmful bacteria such as salmonella, E.coli and listeria.

Picture 1 of Use harmless bacteria to treat harmful bacteria

Salmonella (red) enters human cells (Photo: Sciencedaily)

Preservative named lantibiotic was discovered by Dan O'Sullivan, a professor of food and nutrition science when studying the gene of bacteria. He then went on to study with Ju-Hoon Lee. This discovery has received a patent.

This is the first natural preservative found to kill harmful bacteria in food. In addition to the benefits of food safety, this substance also benefits digestion, non-toxic, non-allergenic and kill harmful bacteria very strong.

The recent lethal salmonella outbreak, finding a way to protect food from dangerous bacteria for researchers is very important.

Update 14 December 2018



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