Using a lot of phones increases the risk of brain cancer

French scientists on May 13 warn people who regularly use mobile phones are at risk of developing some types of brain cancer, according to AFP.

French scientists on May 13 warn people who regularly use mobile phones are at risk of developing some types of brain cancer, according to AFP.

The report found that individuals who use the phone more than 15 hours a month on average for five years are 2-3 times more likely to develop meningitis and glioma than those who rarely use the phone. .

The study looked at 253 cases of glioma and 194 meningeal tumors in 4 districts in France from 2004 to 2006. These patients were compared with 892 healthy individuals randomly selected among people in the country. this.

Picture 1 of Using a lot of phones increases the risk of brain cancer

High use of phones increases the risk of brain cancer - (Photo: AFP)

The phone usage time of these two groups is from 2 to 10 years, an average of 5 years.

Comparison between these two groups shows that people who regularly work with mobile phones are at a higher risk of brain disease.

This new study revives questions about the safety of mobile phones as this device has become an almost indispensable thing in modern people's lives.

In 2011, the International Research Institute for Cancer (IARC) said radio frequencies used in phones can cause cancer.

In the past 15 years, most phone safety surveys cannot determine specific results. However, Isaballe Baldi of Bordeaux University (France) emphasized: 'Our research is also part of this trend, but the results must be determined'.

Now researchers face many challenges, including having to give clear evidence in the laboratory that these frequencies affect human cells.

Update 14 December 2018



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