Using Live Search will be paid

Microsoft claims to pay for any business that convinces its employees to use the Live Search service. The amount paid will depend on the number of search statements.

Analysts say the move is a sign that Microsoft is being left too far in the Internet search service market by rivals Google and Yahoo. This is the solution to remove gauze is somewhat Microsoft's market share.

According to the latest statistics of Neilsen // NetRatings, Google currently accounts for nearly 50% market share of the global Internet search service market. Yahoo ranked second with 24% market share. Microsoft's market share is only 8%.

Picture 1 of Using Live Search will be paid Microsoft confirmed that customer feedback in the "paid search" program will help the company further improve Live Search. But perhaps Microsoft's main goal is to increase market share in the global Internet search service market. This means that Microsoft will earn more from the advertising.

Another goal that Microsoft wants to target in the above program is to create a habit of using Live Search in the business user community. And when you are used to using it in business, they will definitely continue to use Live Search in other conditions like at home.

Successfully enrolling in the Microsoft program each business will receive a $ 25,000 account and then they will receive $ 10 for a PC if that PC user uses Live Search regularly. Another condition of the program is that the business must use Internet Explorer 7.

" The program will work well but there will certainly be some negative feedback ," said analyst John Battle.

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