Vegetables and interesting facts you've never known

Vegetables, tubers, and fruits are the foods we use every day, but you're sure you understand them all.

Vegetables, tubers, and fruits are the foods we use every day, but you're sure you understand them all.

In addition to making food they also have other uses that make us surprised as a cucumber can erase the point of a ballpoint pen. Or they themselves are a surprise, corn is a member of the grass family.

And there are many other interesting things, please learn more in the following infographic, vegetables and interesting facts that you never knew!

Picture 1 of Vegetables and interesting facts you've never known

You can dye your hair with red onions or use cucumbers to erase the mistakes written with pen.

Picture 2 of Vegetables and interesting facts you've never known

Potatoes are the first food grown in the universe.

Picture 3 of Vegetables and interesting facts you've never known

Each fungus has its own immune system.

Update 17 December 2018



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