Very interesting surprises about blue-necked ducks

The blue-necked duck is the largest duck in the world, with amazing surprises that animal lovers want to explore.

The blue-necked duck is the largest duck in the world, with amazing surprises that animal lovers want to explore.

Picture 1 of Very interesting surprises about blue-necked ducks

The blue-necked duck is from 50cm-66cm long, weighs from 1.3kg.(Source: Soft Schools).

Picture 2 of Very interesting surprises about blue-necked ducks

Males and females are easy to distinguish through the color of the coat, the male has a blue head, a white collar and a brown chest, the body is slightly gray.The female has gray fur, except purple wings.(Source: Soft Schools).

Picture 3 of Very interesting surprises about blue-necked ducks

Green neck ducks fly at 88.5 km / h, they migrate from the North to the South in the winter to avoid cold and scarcity of food.(Source: Soft Schools).

Picture 4 of Very interesting surprises about blue-necked ducks

Ancient ducks are molted after the breeding season, so they are vulnerable to attack during this time because they cannot fly.(Source: Soft Schools).

Picture 5 of Very interesting surprises about blue-necked ducks

This is omnivorous, their diet depends on the place of residence and the source of available food.(Source: Soft Schools).

Picture 6 of Very interesting surprises about blue-necked ducks

The mating time of the blue-necked duck takes place in the spring, the female has only one partner while the male has more.Females make nests on the ground and lay between 8-13 greyish green eggs.The hatching stage lasts from 23-30 days.(Source: Soft Schools).

Picture 7 of Very interesting surprises about blue-necked ducks

Blue-necked ducks live in the wild for 5 to 10 years and the duck is known to live for as long as 27 years.(Source: Soft Schools).

Update 16 December 2018



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