Vestibular dysfunction is what? Symptoms of vestibular disorders

Vestibular disorders are becoming more and more common and affecting the lives of patients. So what is vestibular disorder ? What are the causes and symptoms of vestibular disorders? Let's find out about this disease through the article below!

1. What is vestibular disorder? What is vestibular?

The vestibular is a nervous system located behind the cochlea. The vestibular's main role is to balance the body as we move, turn, bend, and so on. The vestibular system is controlled by nerve number 8, also known as the information transmission line.

What is vestibular disorder?

Vestibular dysfunction is what? This is actually a pathology that causes the patient to fall into an unbalanced posture and often suffer from dizziness, lightheadedness, ringing in the ears, nausea, unsteady walking, etc. affect work and quality of life.

Picture 1 of Vestibular dysfunction is what?  Symptoms of vestibular disorders
Vestibular disorders - a common disease today.

Types of vestibular disorders

Vestibular disorders are divided into two main categories: peripheral vestibular disorders and central vestibular disorders.

  1. Peripheral vestibular disorders : Due to damage to the inner ear, vestibular nerve or vascular occlusive disease in the back of the neck. The disease is quite benign. Patients are prone to dizziness when changing positions but still retain alert when moving.
  2. Central vestibular disorders : Due to damage to the vestibular nucleus or associated vestibular nuclei in the brainstem and cerebellum. People with central vestibular disorders often experience symptoms such as difficulty walking, lightheadedness when changing positions, or lightening your face, etc.

Who is susceptible to vestibular disorders?

  1. Adults aged 40 and over (about 35%).
  2. Women are more susceptible to vestibular disorders than men and are often confused with cerebral circulatory insufficiency.
  3. People often live in too noisy environment, uncomfortable weather when changing seasons, eating contaminated food.
  4. Premenopausal women.
  5. The mindful person, often stressed out.
  6. Sedentary people, sit a lot.

Can vestibular disorder be cured?

Vestibular disorder is a dangerous disease, especially when the patient is not treated properly and promptly. The disease may appear only a few days before it goes away but may also last and recur many times. If the patient tries to walk when he / she suffers from an illness, it is very easy to fall, lightly scratching the skin, worse, the arm, leg, and brain injury may be accidentally accidentally struck. In addition, people with vestibular disorders may have a stroke due to poor blood flow to the brain.

Can vestibular disease be cured? In fact, with a suitable treatment regimen with the help of brain tonic, patients can completely prevent complications, prevent the disease from recurring or even cure it completely. According to the doctors, vestibular disorders will completely heal if cured is the cause of vestibular disorders.

2. Causes and symptoms of vestibular disorders Causes of vestibular disorders

There are many causes of vestibular disorders, the most common of which are the following:

  1. Due to low blood pressure, catastrophic sequelae, anemia, cardiovascular disease, . causes blood vessels to be blocked, blood to the brain is poor.
  2. Influence from a number of conditions such as brain tumor, neuroma, neuritis, otitis media.
  3. Due to the noise in the living environment, the weather suddenly changed.
  4. Sitting a lot, being sedentary.
  5. Blood loss due to trauma or postpartum women.
  6. Drink lots of alcohol.
  7. The body is poisoned or has side effects when using certain medicines.
  8. Nervous system damage due to fatigue, prolonged stress.

Picture 2 of Vestibular dysfunction is what?  Symptoms of vestibular disorders
There are many causes of vestibular disorders.

Symptoms of vestibular disorders

People with vestibular disorders often experience the following symptoms:

  1. Insomnia
  2. There is buzzing in the ears
  3. Dizziness : The sick person has a feeling of body spinning, wobbling, standing up to sit down hard or being severely unable to sit up. Some schools also experience nausea, blurred vision.
  4. Unbalance : Vestibular disorders cause imbalance, which makes it difficult for you to walk, have a feeling of lightheadedness, you have to cling to something to move.
  5. Fainting, loss of consciousness : Vestibular disorders if not treated promptly will reduce blood flow to the brain, lower blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction, . As a result, patients may lose consciousness awake and fainting.