Video: Amazing giant UFO in Japan heaven

A giant sphere of brilliant blue light flashed across the sky of Japan, causing thousands of witnesses to be surprised. The incident also confused UFO experts as to whether this is an alien spaceship.

The image of the giant glowing sphere in the sky of Niigata, northern Japan on Monday morning caused many people to argue with very different conjectures. It is said that this is a meteorite but there are many doubts that an alien spaceship is disguised as a meteor.

Picture 1 of Video: Amazing giant UFO in Japan heaven
The blue sphere glows in the sky of Niigata.

The incident has attracted scientists, but it has not been able to determine exactly what this UFO is. A scientist told NBC News that this is a burned meteorite that passes through the atmosphere, burning like a fireball. However, some people believe that this may be an invasion of aliens into Earth.

As for UFO expert Scott C Waring, this is an alien device disguised as a meteorite. He also said that light emitted from meteorites would not be green.

The true origin of the blue shade of light has not been determined.