Video: Giant fireball triplets in Russia sky

The giant green fireball divides three lights before igniting the sky of Chita, Russia.

The fireball is divided into three in Russia

According to RT, eyewitnesses said the glowing fireball was unusually soaring through the sky on November 12. In the video posted on YouTube, the object dragged a long trail of light on the tail and made the whole sky seem to be dyed green.

Picture 1 of Video: Giant fireball triplets in Russia sky
The giant fire bridge divides the light before it bounces off.(Photo: taken from the clip).

"It looks like an extraterrestrial object falling to Earth , " Zvezda TV quoted a witness as saying. This phenomenon can also be clearly seen from neighboring cities. The Russian military said it did not conduct any training activities in the area last night.

On October 31, a similar shooting star appeared in the western sky of Kaliningrad, Russia. The fireball is also green mixed with blue and long tail. The biggest shooting star in history exploded in Chelyabinsk, Russia, in February 2013.

Energy from the explosion is estimated at several million tons of TNT. However, Chelyabinsk meteorite is relatively small with a diameter of about 17m and explodes at a height of more than 40km. The explosion damaged some buildings and blew many windows in the city.