Warning: Food packaging contains more than 175 dangerous chemicals

Scientists have found more than 170 dangerous chemicals that are legally used in the production of food packaging. According to them, these toxic chemicals are linked to cancer, genetically altered and affect fertility.

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But the Food Standards Agency explains that all food packaging is in European standards and the presence of chemicals is not worrisome if they are used in "limits". .

The study was published in the journal Food Additives and Contaminants. The study found about 175 different chemicals in food packaging and their effects on health. They found that these substances could interfere with sperm production, causing genital deformities and disrupting hormone production in the body.

Picture 1 of Warning: Food packaging contains more than 175 dangerous chemicals
The study found about 175 different chemicals in food packaging and their effects on health.(Illustration)

Dr Jane Muncke, Executive Director of the Food Packaging Network, which conducted the study, said: "From a consumer perspective, it is certain that the detection of chemicals is intentionally used in further materials. contacting food is a surprise and nobody wants ".

List of chemicals found in packaging, including substances that accumulate in the environment and the human body. In it, phthalates are widely used as plasticizers . This is one of the examples of substances that can cause male fertility and cancer.

Benzophenones and organic compounds, also found in inks and coatings of food packaging, are also found. Dr. Muncke said that most of the chemicals discovered in the study are high-level dangerous substances (SVHC), which REACH NGO specializes in Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of regulated chemicals.

Under European regulations, these chemicals need to be registered and licensed. However, the instructions for use are not printed on the product packaging.

Picture 2 of Warning: Food packaging contains more than 175 dangerous chemicals
Food packaging is one of the sources that can put chemicals into food, some chemicals can cause chronic diseases.(Illustration)

Dr. Muncke added: "High toxicity properties can be used legally in food packaging production but it is not available in other consumer products such as computers, textiles and paints. Although exposed to these materials is less ".

The report also stated: "Food packaging is one of the sources that can put chemicals into food, some chemicals can cause chronic diseases."

A spokesman for the British Food Standards Bureau has reassured people that food packaging is safe and meets European standards and consumers should not be too concerned about the inside chemicals. food packaging as well as restrictions in use.