New research into chemicals in food packaging and plastic utensils has raised concerns about their effects on human health.
The type of bag we are talking about is a zip lock plastic bag. So, so far, have we done wrong?
Not only you but also many people do not know this small but interesting truth.
Referring to the space science industry, many people will immediately think of the increasingly modern space ships, new satellites or famous astronauts ... but few are interested
Some food packaging contains toxic chemicals related to cancer and fertility, a new study has warned.
Every day we are discharging to the environment a large number of food packaging such as shrimp noodle packaging, prepared food wrapping paper, milk container ...
Preserving food by using sealed plastic film is very popular now.
Finnish scientists have developed a small sensor that quickly detects broken food.
In the UK, about 15 million tons of food are discarded each year, mostly due to damage or mold growth.