What is dual-layer security - Why should we use 2-layer security for online accounts?

Twitter, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, . all put 2-layer security into use, why should you use it to protect yourself?

You may not notice it, but in many practical situations, you have also used 2-layer security. Here are some explanations about why you should also use it for online activities.

What is 2-layer security?

2-layer security , or 2FA (2-factor authentication), is one more step into your normal logon activity. If there is no 2FA, you will only enter the username and password to log in to your system or account. The password section will be the only protection layer for the account. Meanwhile, the second security layer added will help you protect your account better.

Typically, 2FA often require users to enter 2 of 3 verification types before logging into the account. These 3 types of verification include:

  1. Something you know (such as a PIN, password or a pattern).
  2. Something you own (such as random incoming codes via SMS, phone application, .).
  3. Biometric features (fingerprints, voice, pupil eyes, .).

2-layer security has actually existed for a long time , not a new concept. When you pay by credit card, in addition to presenting the card (physical security), you must provide an additional postal code (ZIP code) to verify the transaction, this is also a typical example of 2FA.

Is 2-layer security easy to use?

2-layer security is really easy to use and will only make you uncomfortable if you don't have enough patience to spend a bit more verification time. For most online services such as mail, Facebook, Twitter, ., you just need to go to Setting to activate 2-layer security (usually enter the activation code sent via SMS or automatic call).

Picture 1 of What is dual-layer security - Why should we use 2-layer security for online accounts?
2-layer security has actually existed for a long time, not a new concept.

Why should you use 2-layer security?

2-layer security is the best way to protect you from network attacks like phishing (stealing sensitive accounts about user accounts, often used to hack bank accounts, credit cards, . , spoofing login pages (like Internet banking) as well as other ways to account.

Normally, we only think of common security methods such as setting a password, but most people use very weak passwords related to nicknames, names, birth dates, . Surveys of Cyber ​​Streetwise showed that up to 35% of respondents felt it was difficult to remember complex but highly confidential passwords such as "AM4oQPg / z8", so they chose to set weak passwords like "Flute1975".

Imagine if a hacker could steal your mail password, what would he get? You can preliminarily list such factors as your password into your other online accounts, credit card information, personal information, relatives, etc. via mail from you or files stored in Drive. You will realize that an account on your network can be closely linked to many other accounts, and hacking an account's password can lead to more dangerous consequences.

The second security step (such as entering the activation code sent to your phone) will make it impossible for hackers to falsify you as unauthorized access to corporate intranet, data center systems. or financial information. Stanley Bing's research also found that one-class security can only achieve at most 90% of protection efficiency, while double-layer security increases efficiency by 97-98%; Even 3-layer security can be up to 99.9%.

Therefore, the second confirmation steps are becoming more important, and more and more companies are using double-layer security, especially for remote employees, through cloud systems.

A number of popular 2nd floor security methods

  1. Push notification: You will receive a push notification via an application on a smartphone or wearable device (such as smartwatch) each time you log in.This message will include information about login requests, addresses, and login IPs so that users decide whether to confirm the login request.
  2. Hardware token : You can get OTP (One Time Password) generated each time a login is sent to a certain device (such as a phone) to access the account.
  3. SMS confirmation code : This method requires you to enter a random confirmation code sent to your phone via SMS to pass the second security layer.
  4. Call : This method requires you to wait for an incoming call to hear the OTP code or press any button to confirm the login.
  5. OTP code through application : Applications that automatically generate OTP code such as Google Authenticator also operate similar to SMS system, send you an OTP code generated randomly (usually about 30 seconds / time) to fill in when logging in to the second security layer.

Picture 2 of What is dual-layer security - Why should we use 2-layer security for online accounts?
Use Google Authenticator to get OTP codes.

Which account should you use for two accounts?

Ideally, it is to use 2-layer security for all personal accounts, both online and offline, but if you don't have enough patience for too many things, here are some recommended accounts:

  1. Email account, social network
  2. Internet banking account
  3. Payment account, credit card
  4. Online shopping account
  5. Game Account
  6. Storage account on cloud platforms like Dropbox, Google Drive, .

Currently, most online services including Facebook and Twitter have allowed users to enable 2-layer security in Setting section. Please turn it on to protect yourself.