What is folic acid and in what food?

People often talk about folic acid and iron, two things that are essential for pregnant women during pregnancy or for anemic people but not many people know what folic acid is and what it functions in our bodies. The following is an overview of the flolic acid composition and folate required for each person.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is a B vitamin (specifically B9) that plays a major role in the production of red blood cells and the spinal cord and brain.

Folate supplementation is essential for women who are about to become pregnant & during pregnancy, which is considered 'super man' to prevent fetal birth defects, ensure a healthy development of the fetus (just necessary conditions only). The demand for pregnant mother's folic acid depends on the body's condition (it must be tested correctly to know it), and will vary according to the stage of pregnancy (specifically the table later in this article).

The effect of folic acid on the fetus

  1. Limit the risk of cleft lip and palate opening.
  2. Reduce the risk of premature, low birth weight.
  3. Miscarriage, poor development in the womb.
  4. Folate has also been proposed to minimize your risk: Pregnancy complications (A report shows that women taking folic acid during the second trimester are at a reduced risk of pre-eclampsia).
  5. Reduce the risk of congenital heart disease.
  6. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease: brain deterioration.

When do pregnant women need folate supplements?

Some medical theories recommend that women take folate supplements for at least 3 months before becoming pregnant to ensure the body has enough folate absorption time and is metabolizable to the fetus.

The folate content suggests pregnant women as follows:

  1. Folate requirement before pregnancy: 400 - 800mcg.
  2. Folate demand for the first three months of pregnancy: 600 - 800mcg.
  3. Folate needs from week 12 to the end of pregnancy: 800mcg.
  4. Folate requirement during lactation: 400 - 800mcg.

What foods are Folic Acid in?

In addition to using iron & folic tablets prescribed by a doctor for pregnant women, mothers also need to take folic acid directly with daily food: this is the best natural, folic acid for the body. Folic acid has many of the following foods:

  1. Legumes: tofu, black beans, red beans.
  2. Fruits such as oranges, avocados and tomatoes.
  3. Green food, leafy vegetables and cabbage, spinach.
  4. Brown rice and other raw rice.
  5. Yeast extract.

Picture 1 of What is folic acid and in what food?
Additional cereal for breakfast (The nutrition ingredient printed on the package will tell you if it contains folic acid).

Folic acid as well as other vitamins are very easy to decompose when cooking so when processing, mothers should steam, use microwave, or stir-fry rather than cooking sticky rice, processing too carefully will make food lose matter.

Folic acid and folate are two different concepts, but some can be shared. The next article will help you distinguish these two concepts for correct use.