What is Narcan that can save Demi Lovato right in the hands of death due to drug shock?

Recently, the entertainment world has shocked the news that singer Demi Lovato is hospitalized urgently because of drug shock.

According to the information, she was hospitalized in a state of unconsciousness, with the situation judged to be extremely serious. Doctors had to use Narcan for emergency to be able to recapture Demi's life from death.

Currently, the status of Demi Lovato has passed through the crisis and become more stable. But besides, many people also questioned Narcan. What exactly is it?

Picture 1 of What is Narcan that can save Demi Lovato right in the hands of death due to drug shock?
Female singer Demi Lovato.

Emergency medicine for people who are shocked

For those who do not know, opium such as heroin, cocaine and opioid analgesics (like Oxycontin) all have the same anesthetic effect. And Narcan is an emergency drug, used in cases of overdose of anesthetic.

More precisely, Narcan is the brand name , and the chemical inside is called naloxone . The drug is used in the form of nasal spray or injection, allowing immediate recovery of normal breathing state for the use of opiates or analgesics, overdose anesthesia.

Picture 2 of What is Narcan that can save Demi Lovato right in the hands of death due to drug shock?
The drug is used in the form of nasal spray or injection.

"Narcan is like the EpiPen (pen for diabetics), but it is for people who are shocked" - an expert from the emergency department interviewed People.

"The only difference is that after using Narcan, opium is still in the body. After a period of time, Narcan will lose its effect and the heart rate will once again faint".

In other words, even after using Narcan, you still have to be hospitalized for further treatment to remove opium from your body, even if the patient has become alert.

"Narcan is not an addiction, but an emergency solution to death," the expert added.

Not always effective

Although Narcan was an emergency remedy, it was not always effective at the first attempt . The reason is because the state of shock is also dependent on each patient , depending on the dose and body effect can be taken.

In many cases, patients need more CPR (emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation) , or need one or two more doses of Narcan. Fortunately, you will not be shocked to use Narcan overdose, so this is completely acceptable.

In addition, even if Narcan is effective, if the patient continues to use drugs immediately afterwards, they will almost die immediately.

According to the CDC (US Department of Disease Control and Prevention), the abuse of addiction in the US from 2001 - 2016 has increased by nearly 300%, and has really become a problem. Therefore, Narcan is becoming more and more popular - at least in 45 states in this country.

Picture 3 of What is Narcan that can save Demi Lovato right in the hands of death due to drug shock?
The status of young opioid addicts is increasing in the United States.

The US health industry has no provision for mandatory use of Narcan. But in this situation, many doctors and experts are urging emergency workers to practice and supplement their knowledge of treatment of shock in naloxone and Narcan in particular.

"Understanding the knowledge of how to use naloxone in the current situation can save lives," said surgical doctor Jerome Adams.