What is Sam fish?

Sam is the common name that Vietnamese aquarists give freshwater rays.

Sam is the common name that Vietnamese aquarists give freshwater rays. They have the English name of Freshwater stingray. However, people mention the name sam more than the taboo using the word 'drowning' fearing that their business will not prosper and advance as they wish.

Learn about sam fish (freshwater stingrays)

The origin of sam fish

This fish originates from the Amazon basin because it is an area with rich alluvium and rich flora and fauna.

Classify sam fish

Currently there are many different types of Sam fish. Each species of Sam fish has a different pattern and color.

  • Black Diamond sam: Often has large, thick spots floating on the background with many small spots.
  • Galaxy sam : As its name suggests, it looks like a galaxy on a black velvet sky. Paint with similar sized white spots.
  • Fish Sam Moto : This guy is not as beautiful as the other two friends. But eat well, reproduce well.
  • Black sam fish with unique black and white dots.
  • Tiger fish with large and vibrant pattern

They are also large in size, when mature a Sam fish can reach 50 - 60 cm. 

Picture 1 of What is Sam fish?

Picture 2 of What is Sam fish?

The sam has a sharp, spines-shaped, poisonous spine lying behind the tail.

Sam's food

The main food of Sam fish is shrimp, auxiliary food is Trach, small fish, worms, worms, oysters, etc. On average, an adult Sam can eat up to 2.5kg shrimp (divided into 2- 3 meals)

As for the little sam, the amount of food is only about 1/3 or ¼ of the adult food.

Uniqueness of the sam fish in the Amazon

The name 'stingray sam' is so named because they have a poisonous spike with a serrated edge. This is also an important weapon to help them survive and develop to this day. If unfortunate, the girl will be stabbed to create large blisters and extremely burning sensation. Want to treat is not put in cold water but soak in hot water to endure to neutralize the poison. And the way many people in the Amazon use it is to urinate on their wounds because the urine is hot, sterile and slightly acidic.

In Amazon, most accidents with sam fish are accidentally kicked when people hide under the sand to rest or hunt. Immediately, they will quickly escape if they do not want to be arrested. For fish farmers, most accidents happen in hands and arms when they clean the tank or catch fish. Sometimes it is just a random accident but sometimes it is caused by careless contact with fish. Therefore, when raising this fish, you also need to be very careful not to hurt yourself.

Update 14 June 2020



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