When you go up, does your weight change?
At sea level, your weight will be a bit lighter than when you reach the top of the mountain, not enough for you to realize it, but it can still be calculated.
Weight, in fact, is the measurement of the gravitational and physical forces, proportional to the mass of the two objects acting on each other, in this case, the big earth and your tiny body (mass is the measurement of the amount of matter contained in the muscle
can, and has a constant value whether in different positions, whether on the ground or the moon. People often confuse weight and weight because of the common use of a quantity such as kilogram, pound .).
If the earth is a perfect sphere, with uniform mass everywhere, and you are standing exactly on its surface, then the entire mass in the radius of the circle you stand on will cause a gravitational pull on your body and your weight. However, distance is also a factor. The farther you stand from the giant earth, the smaller the gravitational force on you.
It is estimated that a person weighing 68,038 kg on the earth's surface will weigh about 68,0025 kg at an altitude of 3,000 meters above sea level.
The closer you go to the center of the earth, the lighter you will be, because only the mass within the radius that you stand will create weight. And if you can dig a hole into the center of the earth, your weight will be zero, because all the gravity from all sides simultaneously impacts you and they will cancel each other out.
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