Extremely simple measures to help control weight effectively

The secret to losing weight is shared by a lot of people, maybe a strict diet with a carefully calculated diet or exercise with a frequency that changes according to a specific strategy but recently home Japanese science has come up with a new way that absolutely does not require too much effort and still effective as both walking and chewing gum .

Previous studies have shown that chewing gum while resting helps increase heart rate and energy consumption. But this is the first study to assess the effect of chewing gum while moving or exercising.

In the experiments, Japanese scientists discovered the heartbeat of volunteers aged 21 to 69 years when they chewed gum while walking in a natural campus.

Picture 1 of Extremely simple measures to help control weight effectively
While walking, chewing gum also helps with weight loss.

Researchers believe that combining exercise and chewing gum can be an effective way to control weight especially in countries with walking culture.

The experiment also showed that chewing can create different physical developments in both sexes and all ages but the most significant difference is in men over the age of 40.

Specifically, the volunteers made two walks each time lasting 15 minutes. The first time the volunteers chewed two chewing gum containing 3 kcal while walking while at the other time they were allowed to use another starch with the same caloric value.

Volunteers then measured the heart rate while on rest and when walking at both tests as well as the actual distance they traveled, the speed of movement and the number of steps taken.

The results showed that the average heart rate of participants was significantly higher when they chewed gum.

In particular, in men over 40, chewing gum on the move even helps to travel farther distances with more steps and better energy consumption.

This is considered an interesting study to help supplement simple weight loss measures that are effective in the context of obesity becoming a worldwide obsession.

The disease is considered a prerequisite for pushing people to risk other diseases such as heart, stroke, diabetes and some other cancers.