While smoking, drinking coffee is anti-scientific and extremely bland

According to a scientific study, smoking will ruin a person's ability to sense the taste of a cup of coffee, even if the person quit smoking.

According to a scientific study, smoking will ruin a person's ability to sense the taste of a cup of coffee, even if the person quit smoking.

While smoking, drinking coffee will lose the taste of coffee

Smoking cigarettes when drinking a strong cup of coffee is the habit of most men, but according to new research, smokers often do not taste the taste of coffee, no matter how rich the flavor is . According to a scientific study, smoking will ruin a person's ability to sense the taste of a cup of coffee, even if the person quit smoking.

The strong bitter taste of caffeine is often very recognizable, even in small quantities. However, this is no longer true for smokers, because the toxins in cigarettes seem to have harmed their taste buds . This is because their ability to taste has been ruined by toxic chemicals in cigarettes, by preventing the regeneration cycle of taste buds.

Picture 1 of While smoking, drinking coffee is anti-scientific and extremely bland

To find out if taste is still affected even after people stop using tobacco, a group of experts, led by Nelly Jacob of Pitie-Salpetriere APHP Hospital (Paris, France), has Test 451 volunteers to see if they can easily taste the four basic tastes of sweet, sour, bitter and salty, as well as the intense concentration of each.

The results of the experiment showed whether their volunteers smoked or not, their ability to feel salty, sweet and sour was not affected. However, smoking habits affect caffeine's ability to sense bitterness. Specifically, one in five people who smoke and a quarter of those who have this habit cannot accurately identify the bitterness of caffeine. However, the research team noted that nearly 13% of non-smokers also "slipped" to test the taste.

Experts believe that the accumulation of tobacco in the body can prevent the taste buds in the tongue from changing themselves , thus damaging the ability to identify certain flavors of "miserable" , right away. both after they quit smoking. The discovery is expected to provide more reason for people who are "addicted" to tobacco to be determined to give up this bad habit.

Of course, the harmful effects of unleaded drugs stop the destruction of taste completely and there are many other terrible things. Cigarette smoke has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) under the International Health Organization (WHO) as first-class carcinogens.

In addition, WHO pointed out that there are about 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, 40 of which are classified as carcinogenic, including nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia, acetone, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide. affect the whole nervous system, vascular and endocrine causes cardiovascular disease, memory loss and cancer. In this group, substances that are small in volume can cause cancer, have no limits, meaning that they are completely harmful to themselves and to others, even if only a small amount.

Picture 2 of While smoking, drinking coffee is anti-scientific and extremely bland

Smoke is considered to be the most toxic substance in the habitat. When smoking, smokers often breathe out two main and secondary smoke streams, and 20% smoke is inhaled into the main stream, the remaining 80% is called secondary flow, which arises when pulling the drug (between inhalations). and when the medicine is turned off. The main smoke arises at 950 degrees C and 500 degrees C smoke, so the smoke stream emits more toxic substances.

The harm also happens to people who do not smoke around, have to smoke passively, is the form of inhaling smoke from the air, but not directly smoking cigarettes or pipe tobacco and also being indirectly affected by these risk of disease such as lung cancer.

Update 15 December 2018



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