Why are Vietnamese women nurses escaping from Ebola death?

A new study has been done to answer the question of why people like Nina Pham can win Ebola death.

>>>Vietnamese American nurse from Ebola

The World Health Organization has said that about 5,000 people have died from Ebola so far since the pandemic broke out in West African countries and spread to many parts of the world. But there have been thousands of miraculous survivors after being infected with this type of death virus, including a Vietnamese-born nurse in the US Nina Pham.

Picture 1 of Why are Vietnamese women nurses escaping from Ebola death?
Nina Pham met President Obama after winning Ebola death

Scientists have been very headache with the question of why so many people like Nina Pham could win against Ebola, while thousands of others collapsed. However, a recent study gave the answer that it was the genetic difference that helped Nina and many others escape the Ebola death scythe.

This is the result of research published by scientists at Washington University in Seattle, USA on October 30 in Science magazine.

They compared the symptoms and the disease-fighting process between Ebola-infected mice and mice with different genomes with symptoms similar to humans infected with the virus.

Picture 2 of Why are Vietnamese women nurses escaping from Ebola death?
Gene may be a decisive factor in the fight against Ebola

The mice used in the day study were derived from 8 different lines, representing genetic abundance in humans. In these different rats, Ebola infection symptoms range from mild weight loss to high fever, internal bleeding, swollen .

"We have these mice infected with the corresponding Ebola virus strain of mice," said Angela Rasmussen, a microbiologist at the University of Washington, who led the study . In normal lab rats, the virus kills the animal but does not cause bleeding. '

Researchers believe that the finding could answer many of the Ebola pandemic questions exploded in West African countries, killing about 5,000 people.

Picture 3 of Why are Vietnamese women nurses escaping from Ebola death?
About 5,000 patients died from the Ebola virus

They argue that each individual's genetic code plays a very important role in its ability to withstand Ebola virus.

The study results show that the genome in the experimental mouse determines which cells can be infected with Ebola and how much the virus will replicate. Microbiologist Andrew Easton said: 'Most of these genes are related to the first stages of the Ebola immune system' response.

Ms. Rasmussen hopes that this study of her and her colleagues will help research and produce drugs and vaccines against Ebola more easily.