Why do the Egyptians marvel?

The ancient Egyptians embalmed the dead body because they believed it was a way for the dead to enjoy eternal life in the afterlife.

The ancient Egyptians embalmed the dead body because they believed it was a way for the dead to enjoy eternal life in the afterlife.

>>>The reason the Egyptians put mummies in many coffins

The legendary Nile created one of the world's earliest and most brilliant civilizations, with great achievements in architecture, astronomy and science. The way to build majestic pyramids or the reason for Egypt's mummification is still a great mystery for scientists.

The scientific community agreed that the ancient Egyptians believed that a part of the human spirit would perpetuate permanently with the existence of the body. Therefore, humans must protect the body so that the soul of the soul exists in the afterlife because if the body decomposes, the soul of that person will not be complete.

Picture 1 of Why do the Egyptians marvel?

The mummy is preserved almost intact after thousands of years.(Photo: Discovery.com)

Researchers speculate that the ancient Egyptians had the idea of ​​embalming completely by accident. Sand and hot air of the desert dry buried bodies beneath them, making them last longer than normal bodies. Most likely the ancient Egyptians thought of ways to dry their bodies from the materials they had.

The average life expectancy of an ancient Egyptian is only about 40 years. For that reason, they conceive, prepare for long and happy life in the other world is really remarkable.Declining in ancient Egypt is not only a trend, but also a clear level in society.

Picture 2 of Why do the Egyptians marvel?

The mummy is the refuge of the ancient Egyptian souls in the afterlife.(Photos: Wikipedia)

However, embalming is not for all Egyptians. The expensive cost of embalming became the privilege of the rich and the power in society. Pharaohs, members of the royal family, aristocracy and upper classes were definitely embalmed, and middle-class people had to pay. People of the lower class have almost no chance of embalming.

The ancient Egyptians embalmed about 70 million people over 3,000 years. However, very few mummies were found because they were damaged during their existence due to unsafe preservation or human intervention for scientific purposes. Also the thieves also invaded many mummies.

Update 18 December 2018



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