This is the affirmation of Lenin mummified workers. They developed experimental techniques to maintain the spirit for the corpse of the communist revolutionary leader.

Ancient Japanese monks used to self-mummify themselves through harsh cultivation and eating regimes.

A company in the US has launched mummification service for all people and pets.

The ancient Egyptians embalmed the dead body because they believed it was a way for the dead to enjoy eternal life in the afterlife.

A recent study by archaeologist Andrew Wade has made our understanding of ancient mummies reviewed.

If you want the mummy to not deform over time, experts will have to create a sterile environment, preventing the body's dehydration.

Scientists apply the technique of ancient Egyptian mummification on the body of a taxi driver in England.

In order to embalm the leader Lenin and the late Kim Nhat Thanh, experts removed all organs from the body, destroyed the vein and removed all blood from the tissues.

Ancient mummified workshop was discovered by archaeologists at Saqqara cemetery of Memphis, the first capital of ancient Egypt.

The mummies that possessed the world's oldest shroud turned out to be ... addicted and tattooed.