Why is the hand scratched by the hand that the pain is

A little disclosure: the pain threshold of each person depends on . genetics too!

Pain is a natural reaction of people, to signal that we are having problems with our bodies and requiring medical intervention.

But do you notice the case when two people with the same trauma (such as bumps, scratches .) have very different reactions? The man screamed in pain, the person stood up calmly as if nothing had happened?

Neymar's full "painful" phase at the 2018 World Cup.

Eliminating the reason . pretending, the difference in pain thresholds of humans depends on many factors , such as physical, mental, traumatic and previous history.

But in particular, the ability to endure depends on another factor that is also important that not everyone knows. That is the genetic gene .

When the genes of pain suffer from each person there is always a difference

In the human genome, up to 10 million units are single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genes. Combined SNPs will make a difference in the genetic code of each individual.

Of the 94 types of SNP genes found, the SCN9A group is primarily responsible for controlling the body's response to pain.

Picture 1 of Why is the hand scratched by the hand that the pain is
Genetic factors account for about 60% of the individual pain threshold.

According to calculations from experts, genetic factors account for about 60% of the individual pain threshold. That is, the pain tolerance of family members is related to each other, similar to weight, skin color and hair color.

Tests show that about 5% of the population is less likely to suffer pain than usual. The reason is because one type of SNP inside SCN9A, named 3312G> T. That kind of gene makes the body more sensitive to pain.

In addition, the variety of signals that transmit the pain of each person, each individual also has some influence.

"The first reason to mention that pain receptors of each person will have different levels of feedback, related to heat factors or pain mechanisms" - Gila Moalem-Taylor, doctor and lecturer from the University of New South Wales.

"The pathway of pain signaling is also affected by the modulatory effects series . This effect will cause the pain level to increase or decrease, depending on how the gene is regulated."

Picture 2 of Why is the hand scratched by the hand that the pain is
About 5% of the population is more likely to suffer pain than usual.

Currently, researchers are still deciphering human pain. The purpose is not only to show the diversity of each individual, but also to find the appropriate treatment for each patient based on their pain tolerance.