The cause of hip joint pain

Groin pain is no longer a strange condition today. So have you grasped the cause of this situation?

Pain in the hip - what is the cause?

1. Due to living habits

  1. Nature of work: Constantly carrying heavy objects, moving a lot, cycling continuously . makes the hip joints prone to regression, inflammation and pain.
  2. Excessive sports: Sport will sometimes backfire if you apply it excessively or improperly.
  3. Accident trauma: A fall, an accident, a sharp blow to the groin joint can create conditions for bacteria to invade and cause inflammation.
  4. Age: The older you get, the more likely your joints are inflamed and your hip joints are no exception to that rule.
  5. Genetics: The cause of the hip joint pain is rare, but in some people, they may have a genetic hip cartilage defect. As an adult, this situation takes place most clearly.
  6. Gender : According to statistics, the incidence of women is usually 1.5 to 2 times higher than men due to the effects of childbirth, pregnancy, hormonal disorders . Joint pain Groin during pregnancy is one of the common conditions that women experience.

Picture 1 of The cause of hip joint pain
The older you get, the greater your chance of getting osteoarthritis diseases, especially hip pain.

2. Due to pathology

  1. Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is a common condition that leads to hip replacement surgery. Osteoarthritis is a consequence of joint wear, which is common in older people. The disease usually appears on one side at a time. As the disease progresses, the joint cartilage layer fades, the joints become narrower and more bone spikes appear. Clinical manifestations are hip pain, limiting movement amplitude of the groin (hip stiffness).
  2. Inguinal hernia : A common inguinal hernia is a common condition in men. Initially, the patient feels that the area of ​​the scrotum, one side of the scrotum enlarges painlessly, but when the patient restricts movement and rest, there is no feeling that the groin area and the scrotum mass are reduced. So many people are subjective and not treated.
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis : Rheumatoid arthritis, also known as rheumatoid arthritis, is a chronic condition caused by an autoimmune disorder in the body that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks internal tissues. the body itself. The disease causes inflammation (redness, swelling) that leads to pain, sclerosis and swelling of the joints, mostly the joints of the hands, back, feet and knees. Rheumatoid arthritis not only causes damage to the joints, but also can damage the entire body system including the skin, eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels.
  4. Mastoid necrosis of femoral head: Necrosis of femoral head, also known as avascular necrosis of femoral head due to nourishment anemia. Necrosis leads to bone and cartilage necrosis, at first the thinning of the protrudal region leads to the formation of lateral deficits, leading to fractures in the cartilage and eventually causes collapse of the femoral head, loss of hip function leading to disability.

Picture 2 of The cause of hip joint pain
Necrosis femoral head necrosis is not caused by bacteria, so there is another way called sterile necrosis of femoral head.

  1. Diabetes: In people with diabetes, metabolic disorders not only cause high blood sugar, but also a series of other metabolic disorders such as protein and fat. These disorders produce toxic waste that damages nerves and blood vessels that nourish joints. At the same time, they also cause collagen deposition in the joints, creating scarring in the hands, pain in the groin joints, . making it difficult for patients to exercise.
  2. Groin disease in children : Some children and infants have hip problems, even though they have been treated properly, but hip can still develop into inflammation, degenerative arthritis in adulthood. Fort. The process of osteoarthritis takes place due to abnormal changes of the joints, affecting the area of ​​joints. Common diseases in children such as dysplasia of joints, Perthes disease, spondylosis of head cartilage .

Effective treatment of hip pain

Currently, most patients choose to treat hip pain with Western medicine method to reduce pain immediately, prevent recurrence and limit possible complications. Usually, a doctor will prescribe one or more of the following medications for patients who experience pain in the hip joint:

  1. Change living habits: Limiting exercise, porting or playing sports such as tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer, . is what you should do to prevent the risk of pain in the hip. .
  2. Weight loss: To reduce the pressure of weight on the joints, patients need to develop a weight loss plan in combination with treatment of pain in the hip joint area to quickly recover health.
  3. Use painkillers: Patients can use some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, . help patients control pain in the hip and effectively reduce inflammation. However, these drugs require a doctor's prescription when used, patients absolutely do not arbitrarily increase the dose, reduce the dose and must persist to use the drug.
  4. Using some functional foods: Glucosamine, chondroitin, . works to support the treatment of hip pain and enhance the immunity of the joints. However, it should be taken with the guidance of a specialist. At the same time, these medicines are not medicines and cannot replace medicine.
  5. Surgery: Surgery is a treatment for hip joint pain when directed by a doctor in case of advanced disease. However, this method contains a lot of risks, which can leave many after-surgery sequelae.