Why not go to the toilet when the plane takes off and lands?

Passengers can freely use the toilet on the plane, but must except when the plane is about to take off and land.

Traveling or traveling a long distance, especially with a problematic stomach, forced to go to the bathroom to 'solve'. But most importantly, when on a flight, when the plane is about to take off and land, you can not go to the toilet, because it is 'catastrophic' there!

Picture 1 of Why not go to the toilet when the plane takes off and lands?
There are no assistive devices to ensure safety in the restroom.

When you first get on the plane, stabilize your seat and the speaker issues safety notices, most passengers only hear it without noticing that the flight attendants always remind you to sit on the seat, great. oppose to defecate when the plane takes off and lands. This is because it is essential to air safety: Pilots cannot legally take off if passengers are still in the toilet .

Takeoff and landing are often the two most dangerous times of each flight. Passengers must remain seated and follow the instructions of the flight crew member. In special cases that can lead to risks , pilots must make sure no one is trapped in the toilet. Because there is a fact that, there is not any support device to ensure safety in the toilet , such as seat belts. In addition, inside the toilet is also quite a lot of objects, angular can be dangerous to people inside when there is a strong impact. Even in the worse case, emergency evacuation, the passengers in the toilet can be completely trapped and can not escape.

According to the flight attendants, the best time to use the toilet on the plane was right after the captain turned off the seatbelt signs and before the start of serving drinks . The flight crew always reminds these notes, you just need to listen carefully!

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