Why should you tap on the carbonated can before opening the lid

Many people who have a habit of tapping on carbonated cans before opening them can help prevent foaming.

Many people who have a habit of tapping on carbonated cans before opening them can help prevent foaming.

Picture 1 of Why should you tap on the carbonated can before opening the lid

Many people have a habit of knocking on a can of carbonated water before opening the can.(Photo: Rex).

According to Mirror, Christopher Arthur Edward Hamlett, a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, UK, shared some scientific theories that occurred during the opening of carbonated cans. Before the can was opened, tiny air bubbles were attached to the can. When opening the can, these bubbles increase in size due to reduced solubility of CO 2 . When air bubbles reach a certain size, they separate from the can and float to the surface.

"At first, the air bubbles clinging to the can of water, knocking on cans of water can knock out some air bubbles and allow them to float to the surface. When opening cans, bubbles expand at the position. lower will take up more space and push more water out than air bubbles expand near the surface, " Christopher said.

Therefore, knocking on the can of carbonated water before opening will limit air bubbles in the low position, preventing the water from spilling out.

Update 18 December 2018



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