Why Thai Binh princess does not succeed Vo Tac Thien?

Thai Binh princess has many political ambitions and many scheming like her mother, but she cannot name the emperor as Vo Tac Thien despite having qualities and many favorable conditions.

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The essence of the emperor

Vo Tac Thien and Cao Cao Tong Ly Tri have 4 children, 2 boys, 2 girls, of which Vo Tac Thien especially loves the youngest daughter, Thai Binh princess. Just like her mother, Thai Binh princess is a scheming and powerless. She installed close relatives to work as an insider to monitor her mother. Knowing that she is a passionate woman, she paid tribute to Vo Tac Thien, two men, Truong Xuong Tong and Truong Dich Chi. These two people gained the trust of Vo Tac Thien and were given many powers, enough to do everything outside the palace without Vo Tac Thien not knowing.

Taking advantage of the situation, Thai Binh princess instigated these two men to act as an antagonist, forcing her to abandon the throne, to transfer the throne to Ly Hien. At first Vo Tac Thien did not agree, but Thai Binh advised his mother to give up to become the High-ranking Emperor, eventually Vo Tac Thien agreed. With this work, she was honored as Tran Quoc Thai Binh princess.

The position of Thai Binh princess is constantly growing, becoming the highest power princess of Tang Dynasty. With her support, Ly Dan posted her post after overthrowing the negative sound of Vi Hau and Princess An Lac and deposed the emperor's emperor. When Ly Dan posted a regular negotiation with the army, whenever Thai Binh princess came to the court to talk, she would chat with Ly Dan for a long time. If Thai Binh did not go to Ly Dan's court, she would send the Prime Minister to her to ask for opinions.

Picture 1 of Why Thai Binh princess does not succeed Vo Tac Thien?

Every time the prime ministers for the Ly Dan version asked: "Has this heard the princess of the princess?" , then asked: "Have you seen Tam Lang (Prince Ly Long Co)?" If the Prime Minister confirms the Princess' permission, the princess agrees, the new Consul agrees and all the princess wants Ly Dan to agree. In the court of martial art from the Prime Minister down or applaud, or avoid, most listen to her opinion.

In June 7, 10, Trung Trung Tong died, because the Queen and An Lac princess poisoned. Vi Empress wanted that person to occupy the throne, made a follow-up Vo Tac Thien, but Thuong Quan Uyen Nhi and Thai Binh princess took the emperor to set up King Wen Ly Mau Mau as king, or Duong Thuong De.

Later, Thai Binh princess used the force to coordinate with her grandson Ly Long Co, Ly Dan's son, and set this person as king. Ly Long Co was king but later they fought for each other's power. And finally Thai Binh princess had to die under Ly Long Co's hand.

Can't become the second emperor

According to Lsguhsi, a website about China's history, despite having such strong qualities and authority, Thai Binh was unpopular with the people and was not pleased with the gods. In addition, the court was wary of a woman who was involved in the main court, so Thai Binh princess could not become a second Vo Tac Thien.

Traditionally, people will be favored by the people, otherwise they will lose the support of the people. Meanwhile, Thai Binh princess is a person who takes money, leisurely robs her subordinates' property, disputes her rights with the people, and therefore is unpopular. Being loved in the afternoon, being influenced by his mother Vo Tac Thien, plus the events of childhood and the defeat of two marriages, a Thai Binh princess is selfish, taking power and taking money. .

Thai Binh princess used money to promote power and bribe people below, so her subordinates, under her command, could not use it for a long time. This group of people did not take the country's security as a motto, but only concerned about their own power, concerned about the interests of Thai Binh princess. In terms of dignity or ability, these guys are incomparable to Ly Long Co's subordinates. That's why she lost in the battle for power with the same person she brought to the throne.

The life of Thai Binh princess is complicated, causing discontent in court. According to "Ha Lan Man's story" the forced coercion of his brother Lan Lan has greatly influenced the princess of the Princess and also the source of unhappiness in her private life. Her first husband was Tieu Thieu. In the beginning, life between Thai Binh Princess and Tiet Thieu could be considered happy. However, for only 7 years, this marriage began to crack.

After Tiet Thieu was killed because of the counter-attack, Thai Binh princess married Vo Du Ky as the grandson of Vo Tac Thien. But this marriage is not very smooth due to the influence of Vo Tac Thien. According to "Autonomous Circulation" , Thai Binh princess had a communion with at least three people and they all hid the princess to do many bad things.

However, the most important thing is that after Vo Tac Thien took the throne and replaced the Tang Dynasty with the Vo dynasty, the court and the people were very wary of the fact that a woman was involved in the main dynasty. In such a social context, any female regent's intentions will fail. Like Vi Hau and Princess An Lac, Thai Binh princess is no exception.

Therefore, no matter how talented he is, Thai Binh cannot fulfill the emperor's dream. The Great Tang Dynasty, as well as during Chinese feudal dynasties, only one woman could stand up to be the emperor, accepting success, being Vo Tac Thien.