Wolves love fishing more than hunting

Western Canadian wolves prefer salmon rather than hunting deer or other animals.

Western Canadian wolves prefer salmon rather than hunting deer or other animals. University of Victoria experts say that after four years of tracking eating habits combined with studying the coat and droppings of eight wolves in British Columbia province.

Picture 1 of Wolves love fishing more than hunting
Deer are the main food of wolves in spring and summer. However, by the fall, the time when Pacific salmon flowed to the rivers in the breeding area, the wolves liked to fish more.

According to Dr. Chris Darimont's explanation, the selection of 'gentle' prey like salmon may be for safety reasons. Wolves are often seriously injured, which can lead to death during deer hunting.

In contrast, the capture of salmon gives the wolf many benefits such as being safe, easy to catch, less time-consuming than tracking deer in the forest. In addition, compared to deer meat, more nutritious salmon meat, especially fat and energy.

Update 16 December 2018



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