Dog cats hate each other is a known fact. Conflicts between these two species are recorded from generation to generation in books, movies, animation and may be encountered in

There are many stories about werewolves or people transforming into beasts but people still care about real werewolves. Here are 10 cases of werewolves that are both interesting

A Japanese fisherman was shocked when he caught a mutant wolves, twice the size of normal waters off the coast of this country, near the Fukushima nuclear power plant - the place

The team discovered at least 64 dog family species, mainly dogs and some species of wolves, worshiped in the Srubnaya people living in Krasnosamarskoe, near the Ural Mountains.

No one knows exactly when humans began to tame wolves. Scientists once found a dog skull in Russia's Siberia Mountains. Chronology of the skull shows that humans began to tame

A study published in the Journal of Mammalian Evolution showed that 55 million years ago, Earth had a warming ...

New research by American scientists shows that climate change and habitat have turned prehistoric dogs in America into wolves.

A recent study in Japan revealed, eye shape, iris color and spots, langes on the faces of dogs are part of a complex, eye-based communication system that people still do not

Scientists compared DNA samples of modern dogs with ancient fossils and discovered domestic dogs originating from extinct wolf species in Europe.

Anyone who has a dog knows that they have a habit of rummaging through the trash to find food. However, according to scientists, their actions may stem from a deeper cause than we