Women store the DNA of every man they have ever had sex with

To scientists also have to identify women as difficult to understand, more complicated than we thought.

According to a study conducted by Seattle University and Fred Huntchinson Cancer Research Center, women store and carry the DNA of every man she has ever had sex with.

This is purely a random discovery. Scientists were looking for ways to determine if a woman was pregnant with a son, whether the child had a common neurological disease in men.

Picture 1 of Women store the DNA of every man they have ever had sex with
The woman's brain is more mysterious than we think.

But when studying women's brains, this study began to follow a completely different direction: It turned out that the woman's brain was more mysterious than we thought. I still know women are hard to understand, but it turns out things don't just stop there.

Scientists have found that a woman's brain often appears to be "male microchimerism" , essentially, that the presence of male DNA comes from another individual, marked Genetic differences are different from all other cells in a woman's body.

According to the study, "63% of women tested (37 out of 59 people) had male microenvironment in the brain . This phenomenon occurs in many parts of the brain."

Picture 2 of Women store the DNA of every man they have ever had sex with
The phenomenon of male chimera occurs in many parts of the brain.

Where can male DNA cells come from? It is impossible to come from that girl's father, because his father's DNA binds to his mother's DNA to create the unique, unique DNA of an individual. So where can this DNA come from?

Through this study, scientists believe that DNA in a woman's brain comes from conceiving a boy. It is a safe conclusion and does not offend anyone. However, it is these scientists who do not fully believe in what they have concluded.

They think so because screening shows that the brains of women who have never been pregnant, not to mention pregnant babies, still show traces of DNA cells from men. They draw the final conclusion, giving four male DNA cell sources that can be inserted into a woman's body:

  1. Once a miscarriage that woman may not know.
  2. A twin brother has been dissipated during the process in the womb.
  3. Coming from pregnancy.
  4. Coming from sex.

Picture 3 of Women store the DNA of every man they have ever had sex with
Men's DNA cells that appear in a woman's body are more likely to come from sex.

At the end of the conclusion, the scientists say more research is needed to determine the origin of this male male bird phenomenon .

We have 63% of women tested with this phenomenon. In the above 4 possibilities, 3 heads are very difficult to happen, so the number of 63% is indeed difficult to achieve. So we have a fourth possibility: male DNA cells that appear in a woman's body are more likely to come from sex.

The women participating in this trial are older. Some people have carried men's DNA for more than 50 years.

Thinking a bit, this is also reasonable. Sperm are living cells. When entering the body in any way, the coincidence can swim, enter the blood and eventually remain in the woman's brain.

But it seems that not everyone. The experiment showed that only 63% of women appeared to have male microorganism phenomenon!

But it can still be concluded that women are difficult to understand, both their minds, their minds and their bodies.