Women's brains recover faster than men

Recent research by scientists said that when a concussion occurs, men often take a long time to recover and suffer more damage than women.

In the study's experiments, scientists conducted brain scans of participants to answer whether sex is one of the key determinants of brain recovery.

By using a special form of MRI imaging, called amplified muscle imaging (DTI) , researchers looked at specific areas of white matter in the brains of both men and women. of two experimental groups.

The first group consists of 47 men and 22 women with concussion. The second group of 21 men and women did not have any brain damage.

Picture 1 of Women's brains recover faster than men
The rate of recovery of a concussion depends not only on the treatment regimen but on the gender rules.

The results showed that men took an average of 67 days to recover, while women lost an average of 26 days.

Researcher Dr. Saeed Fakhran, assistant professor of neuroscience at Pittsburgh University of Pharmacy, said: 'We are completely surprised to find that the recovery time does not depend on the severity of the million. Initial evidence of the disease '.

Analyzing images of brain scans and scans, the researchers found that a particular area in the white area of ​​the man's brain appears unusually large . Because that is where frequent tremors cause minor injuries.

It is these injuries that cause the recovery time to last longer.

Dr. Fakhran added: 'This area of ​​white matter is one of the highest concentrations of progesterone receptors in the brain. Progesterone is a hormone that many studies have shown can protect brain cells from injury. "

However, brain injury in women recovering faster is still a question for many other research answers.