Yahoo upgraded Yahoo Messenger Voice

Picture 1 of Yahoo upgraded Yahoo Messenger Voice Yesterday, Yahoo continued to "quietly" release a new version of the popular online messenger Yahoo Messenger, version

Significant new features in this new version are the incoming and outgoing call notification feature and key features to cater for VoIP conversations from Yahoo Messenger in the Actions menu. But it seems that Yahoo is taking the wrong step of AOL with AIM when integrating banner ads into its IM program.

Currently, Yahoo simultaneously provides two Yahoo Messenger versions for users, Yahoo Messenger Voice! 7.5.0.x is still in the testing phase of many Internet chat support features (VoIP) and Yahoo Messenger 7.0.2.x version is for users primarily to chat via text.

Other rivals such as GoogleTalk with a 'link' to all other messages or beautiful Windows Messenger Live attract users, now Yahoo is also looking at another 'rival' Skype in the VoIP market share. fertile. Call rates from Yahoo Messenger are quite cheap, but according to users' reviews, Skype is still the champion at this time.